Treatment for impotence can be protracted and complex, requiring safe and natural medications. Due to the minimum number of contraindications, side effects and good tolerance by the body, many men prefer home therapy using folk remedies.

In folk medicine, treatment is based on the nature of the plant or tree, then various decoctions, infusions, etc. are prepared from it. We will divide folk recipes into groups based on the ingredients used.
Treatment of impotence at home with folk remedies is mainly done through ginger. This plant is actively used for various diseases of the male reproductive system, as it can strengthen erections and qualitatively stimulate blood flow.
A large number of ginger recipes allow it to be used as a tea additive, powder, tincture or bath.
Some experts require the presence of dried roots, while others use them fresh, but dried ginger acts as a concentrate and has a stronger effect on the body, so it is considered better. Ginger treatment is about 7 days.
Basic recipe for making ginger:
- The easiest way to treat a man with tea is to add the root to a regular tea bag or loose tea. It is important that the roots are crushed into a powder form. For a 300 ml cup, 1 teaspoon is used. ginger powder, which is added immediately after brewing the tea. Then mix the drink thoroughly and ready to drink. It should be taken 3 times a day. Ginger powder (1 tsp) is added to 200 ml of boiling water. To enhance the taste of the drink and enhance the healing properties, it is worth adding 1-2 teaspoons. Dear. Add 1 teaspoon to 400 ml of water. ginger powder and put on fire. After boiling, keep for another 40 minutes and drain. Add honey or sugar to the tea and you can drink it.
- Fresh to eat. For the treatment of impotence, fresh roots are very good. Ginger is only cut small and eaten with the main course;
- Jus. To get the juice, grate the roots on a fine grater, then squeeze the juice with gauze. It is mixed with tea or drink. The juice deteriorates, so you have to keep it in the fridge;
- Colored alcohol. It will take time to produce, but this tool is very effective. 1 kg of ginger should be grated with medium grains and pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave the dough for 2 weeks in a warm place and away from sunlight. Then pour 100 g of ginger (newly obtained) with 300 ml of alcohol and leave again for 2 weeks. Tincture should be eaten in the evening, 10 drops each;
- Take a shower. The recipe perfectly speeds up recovery and helps refresh the body. To cook, you need ginger, quenched to a powder state (3 tbsp), add 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then the product is poured into the bath and steamed for 20-30 minutes. Prescription is contraindicated in people with certain cardiac pathologies.

Folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence, which contain alcohol, can have the opposite effect on the potency, therefore, it should be used only after consulting a doctor and observing precautions.Ginger can have a negative effect in the presence of hypertension, heart disease, peptic ulcer and gallstones.Allergies and hypersensitivity to ginger are also contraindications for use.
Many experts recommend treating impotence with ginseng, but here you need to know a few important things. First, ginseng root must be of high quality, otherwise the healing properties will be neglected. The best raw material is considered to be the Manchu variety, which has roots similar to the human body.Second, the plant is traditionally used to make tinctures with vodka or alcohol, which is not suitable for some people, although there are recipes without the use of alcohol.
Tincture based on ginseng for impotence in men:
- Recipe 1. For manufacturing, you need 2 cm of the tip of the spine, if the quality of the raw material is high. For low -quality ginseng, you need to increase the dose to 4 cm Now you need to fill the raw material with 3. 5 liters of vodka, it can be replaced with diluted alcohol. The medicine should be taken from the next day, then the body will adapt to the substance. For the treatment of impotence, it is recommended to drink 1 glass 3 times a day immediately before meals. When 5% of the total tincture remains, it is again diluted with vodka, mixed and eaten in the same way. Topping can only be done 2 times. If during the rest treatment has been taken, it is impossible to continue the course with an unused tincture, it must be re -prepared, and when the fresh infusion is drunk, you can return to the old one.
- Recipe 2. An alternative way to prepare the tincture - pour 20 g of finely chopped root with 300 ml of 70%alcohol solution. You need to soak the mixture for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then the sediment is filtered and removed, and the fluid is taken 3 times / day, 25 drops every 30 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks, then the body is given a rest of ten days and the course is repeated again;
- Recipe 3 - tincture of ginger and ginseng. Rub small pieces of plant rhizomes (20 g each) and pour 1 liter of vodka. The mixture should be infused in a warm room for 2 weeks. Take 15 drops 1 time a day, preferably before bedtime;
- Recipe 4 - non -alcoholic tincture. 50 g of plants should be poured with cooled boiled water, it is better to add a little sugar or honey. The mixture is infused for 3 hours. The roots are taken and crushed, ginseng is poured into 0. 5 liters of water and left for 3 weeks in a place without light penetration. Sometimes you need to shake the mixture. The prepared tincture should be eaten in 1 tsp. 1 time / day 30 minutes before meals. This course is 40 days.
For most men, the treatment of impotence with folk remedies forever remains just a myth, and those who have been cured with the help of ginseng, observe a complete recovery without recurrence of symptoms of impotence.Contraindications to the use of ginseng are: fever, insomnia, mental disorders, heart disease, overeating.
Regular consumption of celery helps cure male impotence and strengthens the potential at the preventive stage. Due to the short -term effect of the product on the body, various folk remedies are prepared from celery.
Celery Cooking Method:
- Jus. To cook, you need to grate the celery on a fine or medium grater and squeeze the raw material. Then take 1 tsp. three times a day. To make impotence subside faster and taste more pleasant, you can mix 25 g of apples, 50 g of pears and 100 g of celery juice;
- Dish. Treatment with agents can be done by adding root vegetables to the diet. There are famous, healthy and delicious dishes - you have to peel the celery and cut it. Then boil a little in salted water and fry with a little oil, water and flour, the tenderness of the root vegetables indicates readiness. Finally, add the egg yolks and a little nutmeg. The dish was eaten hot;
- Colored. Tincture is the most effective remedy with concentrated nutrient content from celery. 1 tablespoon of root vegetables pour 300 ml of cooled boiled water and leave for 4 hours. Finally, drain the liquid from the sediment and drink 1 tablespoon each. 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. This drug helps overcome impotence and is used to treat prostatitis, including chronic types;
- Colored from seeds. The principle of making folk tincture is similar to the previous method, only the dose is 1 tbsp. seeds in 400 ml of water, and you need to insist 8 hours.

If you eat 15 pieces of nuts, the potency will be stronger and last longer. It is better if there are some green beans, because the amount of components needed for a man is greater in them. Additives will help increase the effectiveness of nuts.
Treatment with folk remedies using walnuts:
- Beans with dried fruits. Mix 12 seeds with dried fruits, the most useful are raisins, prunes, figs, each putting 200 g. Cut and mix all ingredients. Take 2 tbsp. before bedtime, it is better to drink a mixture with kefir. You need to keep the dish in the refrigerator;
- Peanuts and goat's milk. To restore male strength, traditional medicine recommends eating 1 glass of seeds a day, goat's milk is used as a drink. You can not eat a glass at a time, you need to divide it by 2-3 times. The course of treatment is 1 month;
- Beans with honey. Instantly the 2 most effective ingredients in one recipe help to make an excellent remedy to increase potency. Beans are crushed, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1. Often at home they are treated using 1 tbsp. three times a day for 1 month. Dried fruits will not only decorate the taste, but also enhance its effect.
Oak bark
Folk recipes for treatment based on the use of oak bark allow you to increase potency and make erections more continuous. Male power responds best to young oak bark, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or harvested by hand in the spring.
Traditional doctor's prescriptions use oak bark:
- Decoction for external use. An effective remedy is a decoction, its use will cure impotence, prostatitis, hemorrhoids. 6 tablespoons of skin you need to pour 1. 5 liters of water. Place the mixture in a water bath and hold for 40 minutes. Then set aside the broth and leave for 2 hours. It is recommended to make a bath after cooling;
- Decoction for internal use. In the treatment, you need to use 20 g of raw material and pour 1 liter of water. Then the mixture is placed in a water bath (40 minutes) and stirred periodically. Take 1 glass 2 times a day;
- Gravy from the collection. If you collect a lot of the most useful ingredients for potency, it turns out to have a strong effect on impotence. It is recommended to grind 3 parts chamomile, 3 parts horse chestnut, 5 parts bark and 2 parts sage leaves, then mix. Then pour 1 tbsp. collect 1 cup of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml 2 times a day.

Herbal preparations
Herbal preparations are considered the best method of treating impotence. Since the symptoms and treatment are often of the same type, the presence of many components makes it possible to influence erectile dysfunction in a complex way. Previously, traditional healers were almost always treated with herbs, as the only contraindication was allergies.
The use of effective treatment methods with payment involves the preparation of:
- A mixture of lemon balm and St. John's wort. It needs to grind, dry and mix the two ingredients in a ratio of 1 to 1. To cook, you need 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is filtered and applied in 100 ml 2 times a day. Plants are allergenic, so use with caution;
- Collection of coriander root, burdock and angelica, St. John's wort. John, chamomile, pepper bitterness, wintergreen. You can prepare the mixture by mixing all the ingredients in equal proportions, then 2 tbsp. collection is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture on the fire for 10 minutes, then pour into a thermos and leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals. To enhance the taste, honey, sugar or jam can be added. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, then a break of 2 weeks and you can continue. Typically, potential recovery occurs faster than the end of the course;
- Collection of herbs mint, nettle and clover. Prepare all the plants by cutting and drying them. Then 5 tsp. pour all ingredients into 1 liter of boiling water and let soak for 20 minutes. You need to use it 3-4 times a day;
- Tinctures of lungwort, rosehip (fruit) and golden root. It should be noted that the components are used separately. 10 g of lungwort is used per 200 ml of boiling water, 2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Golden root is prepared in the form of tincture - 150 ml of alcohol is poured into 30 g of root and infused for 2 weeks. Take 25 drops. 2 tablespoons of crushed rose hips are poured into a thermos and added 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 4 hours, and then drink 100 ml 2 times a day.
Treatment after 50
Erectile dysfunction after 50 years is specially designed taking into account the physiological changes in the human body, which are provoked by age. Over time, a man inadvertently discovers signs of temporary or complete impotence. Need to find a solution in traditional treatment methods.
- Honey balm. In fact, honey balm has a strong effect on the entire reproductive system at any age. To cook, you need 250 g of aloe leaves, 250 g of honey and 250 g of Cahors. Then mix all ingredients and leave in a cool place for 5-6 days. Take 3 times daily before meals. Admission course is 1 month;
- Royal jelly. The product is sold in pharmacies. The drug should be used 5-10 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months;
- Motherwort infusion. The prepared raw material (dried and crushed) is filled with cold water. Motherwort requires 2 tablespoons, and 1 liter of water. Next, the mixture was infused for 8 hours. You need to take 100 ml of strained fluid 2-3 times a day;
- Carrot stew water in milk. To cook, you need 300 g of carrots and 1 liter of milk. Root crops are boiled after boiling for 40-60 minutes, then filtered, and milk should be drunk in 100-150 ml 2 times a day.

Traditional medicine is hard to overestimate, because over the generations, natural recipes have been used and their recipes have been honed. Many men prefer folk remedies, because they do not want to go to a specialist, but the problem can not be ignored. It is worth it to address the causes 1 time and live a full sex life.